Instructional Design is the study of the theories, models, and methods that make learning transfer effective. Most of these concepts apply as readily to life and other kinds of communication as they do to learning.
I believe that being an instructional designer makes one good at observing people, understanding motivations, analyzing conversations, and communicating with others. In other words, it enables one to lead a more fulfilling life.
While every aspect of Instructional Designer plays a part in rounding off our personalities, here are three examples.
The Schema Theory:
Schema, an organized structure of information in the human mind, was first mentioned by F. C. Bartlett, who said that past experiences help us make sense of our new experiences by supplying us with frameworks and expectations. Next, Jean Piaget amplified the understanding the Schema Theory by adding that new information is continuously added to the schema. Future work on the Schema theory established that the schema is what sets one person apart from the other.
The knowledge of Schema Theory enables us to ascribe motives and understand people. It helps us see another person’s viewpoint and make us present our thoughts and ideas in a more coherent and easy-to-understand manner.
John Keller gave ARCS, the model of learner motivation. This model provides a four-step framework for gaining and sustaining a learner’s attention.
This model also helps us in becoming an engaging conversationalist. While some of us have the gift of gab, many struggle with everyday conversations with people we meet in our personal/professional lives. The ARCS model helps us make conversations that are more animated and productive.
Behaviorism, the least glamorous of all ID concepts, is one of the best tools to guide you on your path to self-learning. The principles of associativity underlying both Classical and Operant conditioning can help you acquire any skill and gain proficiency in it.

Coffeebeans on Behaviorism
Observe your own life closely and you’ll be able to see all other principles of ID find application in life and the reason behind this is quite simple. It’s because learning is fundamental to everything that humans do. We form relationships, which requires that we learn about others, discover their traits, and like, love or admire them; we communicate for business, which requires that we learn to understand, appreciate, and transact value; we do stuff such as cook, drive, cycle, draw, sing, dance and so on, which requires that we learn these skills and become competent… The list goes on. Everything that we do in our lives, must be learned at some point and then perfected over time. This is why the knowledge of instructional design helps us live better.
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