Learning Resources for ID, elearning, and Training.

Tag Training

Cyber-clubbing with the Clubhouse App.

Last month we began hosting weekly live clubhouse chat rooms around instructional design. Every Saturday, at 11 am IST (or 5:30 am UTC) we gather to ask and answer questions related to instructional design, training, elearning, and emotional intelligence. If… Continue Reading →

Instructional Design in the Metaverse – The Future of Learning

According to Gartner, a metaverse is “a collective virtual space, created by the convergence of virtually enhanced physical and digital reality.” As technology continues to touch and transform every aspect of our lives, it’s interesting to imagine how learning would… Continue Reading →

Eklavya’s Quest – Self-learning & the Importance of Symbols

Eklavya, one of the tragic heroes of Mahabharata, learned archery on his own and became such a great archer that Dronacharya began to fear that he would far exceed the capabilities of Arjuna, his disciple. What was it that kept… Continue Reading →

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